Bud, Not Buddy

Hello students,

I really hope you enjoy this novel! I think you will be inspired by the main character, Bud and will be able to relate to what he experiences throughout the text.

Rules About Posting:
1. Respond to the question that I have created for you. Make sure you completely answered all of it!

2. Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Other people will be reading what you wrote.

3. Only sign off with your first name and last name initial. Like this...Wendy S.

Happy reading,
Mrs. Sims

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lefty Lewis

Why does Lefty Lewis decide to pick up Bud as he's walking along the side of the road in Owosso, Michigan?  What can you infer about Owosso?  Explain your inference.


  1. I think Lefty Lewis picked up Bud because it was 2 in the morning and Bud was walking all by himself! Why would you leave a kid on the side of the road? That would be so mean! I can infer that Owosso is a very bad city, I don't think it's a place for people to be and be safe at the same time. I think this because of how he describes Owosso.
    Zoey M. 1st hour ;*

  2. I think Lefty Lewis picked uo bud because hes walking on the side of the road, all alone, and possibly in trouble. so i think lefty picked him up because he didnt want bud to get hurt.

  3. I think Lefty Lewis picked up bud because he didnt want to leave a young boy on the side the road Would you leave a little kid walking on the side of the road in the middle of the night?
    I Can Infer Owosso is a city thats racist to blacks. I think this because of how he describes Owosso."To Our Negro Friends passing Thru Owosso Kindly Dont Let The sun set on your rear end in owosso"(105)
    Moe J 5th Hour

  4. I think lefty lewis picked up Bud because it was 2 in the morning and Bud was walking all by himself! Alos, i can infer that Owosso is a very bad city, and he didnt want bud getting hurt. They also quoted "To Our Negro Friends passing Thru Owosso Kindly Dont Let The sun set on your rear end in Owosso" on page 105.
    Husam Alissawi 5th Hour

  5. I think Lefty Lewis picked up Bud because he's walking on the side of the road all by himself, and Bud was not in safe hands. Lefty just didn't want Bud to get hurt. I think Owwaso is a bad place were people get killed and get robbed in a cheap nieghborhood. In the story when he describes it, it doesn't sound like a good place to live in.

  6. I think Lefty Lewis picked up Bud not onlt because it was dark but it was 2 in the morning and he was walking alone on the side or the road. i can inffer that Owosso is a very good place for rich people or people with a well liveing life. I think this because he decribs the city so well, makeing it sound like a good place to live. Like when he say's " His hat wasnt a solder hat, it was the kind of cap men wore who drive fansy car for the rich, and it wasnt a black hat, it was red".
    -Nikki B !<3*:)
    5th hour,

  7. I think Lefty picked up Bud on the side of the road because it was 2am which was in the morning and Bud was a minor all by himself n the story they quoted "To Our Negro Friends passing Thru Owosso Kindly Dont Let the Sun Set on your rear in Owosso" page 105 so I can infer that Owosso is a prejudice city with wealthy people

    Ruth M 5thhour

  8. well lefty dosnt want a inocont kid walking alone at 2:30 in the morning.because in owosso people are sorta raceced becuase to 'there negro friends who are passing throughkindly dont let the sun set on your rear end in owosso' page 105 so i can infer that its sorta a wealthy place to live but also a raceced to black people in the town.

    RAQUEL B 6TH HOURR!!!!! <3 :) ;) :D :P

  9. -I think Lefty Lewis decides to pick up Bud as he's walking along the side of the road in Owossow, Michigan, because it's 2:30 am, and Bud's walking all alone in the dark, and he might have needed a ride, or possibly, help ! :O
    -I infer that Owosso, Michigan isen't a safe place, and it's for rich white people. I think this because on page 99, the police offer told Bud, "And I'ma tell you, I've seen some things out of place before and a young brown-skinned boy walking along the road at 2:30 am ... is definetely not where he out to be..."
    ~ Marina Bazzi. <3 :)!*-

  10. I think Lefty Lewis decided to pick up Bud when he was walking along the side of the road in Owosso Michigan, because it was very early in the morning, and the people in Owosso Michigan are not such good people and are likely to be racist. I also think he picked up Bud because Lefty Lewis can tell that Bud is little and probably dirty, so Lewis feels bad about the boy because he knows times are hard right now.
    Madisen G. 6th hour. (:

  11. I can infer that Lefty Lewis picked up Bud because he knew the Owosso was a place where racist white wealthy people lived, and he didn't want Bud to get hurt. Lefty also picked him up because of the first reason and that it was 2:30 a.m. I can infer that Owosso back then was not a place for African-American people because they would be discrimanated. Also the white people would probally hurt people I got this from pg:105 when the sign in Owosso says, "To Our Negro Friends passing Thru Owosso Kindly Dont Let the Sun Set on your rear in Owosso".

    Dillon Hill
    4'th hour.

  12. I think Lefty Lewis picked up Bud because he's walking on the side of the road all by himself, and Bud was not in safe hands. Lefty just didn't want Bud to get hurt. I think Owwaso is a bad place were people get killed and get robbed in a cheap nieghborhood. In the story when he describes it, it doesn't sound like a good place to live in.

    Jason S. 5th Hour

  13. I think Lefty Lewis picked up Bud because it was 2 in the morning and dark outside. I can infer that Owosso is a bad place because it was full of some white racist people and the white people said "To Our Negro Friends passing Threw Owosso Kindly Dont Let the Sunset on your rear in Owosso".

    Hussein A 5th hour

  14. I can infer that Lefty Lewis picked up Bud because he was walking alone at 2am outside in Owosso and he did not want Bud to get hurt also it was the rational thing to do if you are his friend.

    I can infer that Owosso is a bad place because when Bud was getting his suitcase from the bushes there used to be a poster that said "To our negro friends who are passing through,kindly don't let the sun set on your rear end in Owosso!"
    Sabaa A 5th Hour:)

  15. I think Lefty Lewis picked up Bud because he was walking on the side of the road at 2 in the morning. Lefty Lewis probably didn't want Bud to get hurt because he was alone and there are a lot of weird people.

    I can infer Owosso is a bad place because Bud wanted to get his suitcase out of the bushes, then Lefty told him there used to be a sign hanging there that said "To Our Negro Friends Who Are Passing Through, Kindly Dont Let the Sun Set on Your Rear End in Owosso!"
    Abbas H, 6th hour.

  16. I can infer that Owosso Michigan is ,a bad place, because the poster can prove that the place is "dangerous" for "trouble makers" ,and "lone walkers" ,and some nergo people or kids.

    I can , also infer that "Lefty Lewis" is ,a nice guy , because he didnt have to pick up Bud but he does and gives him a sand,witch ,and pop so you can gess hes a good person .
    Jaylon C 6th Hour

  17. lefty louis picked up bud because he was alone walking along the street alone at 2:30 in the morning.i think that he just wanted to see if he was ok & why was he out so late at night.


  18. I think lefty lewis picked up bud because he was walking alone at night. lefty lewis probably didint want bud to get hurt by any of the strange people that lived in that strange niehborhood.
    i can infer that owosso is a terrible place because bud wanted his suitecase out of the bushes, then lefty said to him there used to be a sign hanging there that said "to our negro friends who are passing through, Dont let the sun set on your rear End in Owosso!
    Mohammed A, 6th hour.

  19. I think lefty lewis picked up Bud because he was alone walking at 2:00Am in the morning in Owosso also the fact that he is black as well and considering the fact that there was a post saying " to To Our Negro Friends passing Through Owosso Kindly Dont Let The sun set on your rear end in owosso"(105) which was racist.
    fatima a

  20. i think he decides to pick up bud because he was by himself at night.

    i can infer that Owosso is a racist place because of the sign that said to our negro friends passing through kindly dont let the sun set on your rear end in Owosso.

    Hussein s


  21. Left Lewis decides to pick Bud up as he's walking along the side of the road in Owosso, Michigan because it's dark, and Bud is just a child. I can infer that Owosso isn't exactly a safe place after dark. I can make this inference from the line in chapter 10, when Lefty Lewis says, "...I'm feeling very, very uncomfortable standing on the side of the road just outside of Owosso, Michigan at two thirty in the morning, and the sooner you can put my mind to ease about what you're doing out here the sooner we both can go about our business, OK(pg 103)." He seems a bit frightened and wants to get out as soon as he possibly can.
    Meg H. 5th hour

  22. I think Lefty Lewis picked up bud because he didn't want to leave a young on the side the road. Would you leave a little kid walking on the side of the road in the middle of the night. I think Owosso is a place for rich people.

    Baily R. 1st hour

  23. I think Lefty Lewis picked up bud because he didn't want to leave a young on the side the road. Would you leave a little kid walking on the side of the road in the middle of the night.
    I think Owosso do not like different colored people because it said in the sign " To Our Negro Friends Who Are Passing Through, Kindly Don't Let the Sun Set on Your Rear End in Owosso"

    Baily R. 3rd hour

  24. I think that Lefty Lewis picked bud up because.It was about 2 in the mornin in owosso. And no black person would ever leave a friend behind. "To our Negro Friends who are passing through, kindly Don't let the sun set on your rear end in owosso [pg 105] All of the blacks there cared about eachother. * Tia W 1$t hour

  25. i think that lefty Lewis picked up bud because he didn't want to leave a child on the street by himself. i wouldn't leave a child on the street walking by himself at night.\

    i think Owosso is a racist town and the do not like diffrent colored people.there was a sign that said "to our negro friends who are passing through,kindly dont let the sun set on ur rear end in Owosso.
    Ahmed D. 1st hour :)

  26. I think Lefty Lewis picked up Bud because he felt bad that bud was alone in the middle of the road.I also think that because it was the middle of the night and Buds only 10 years old he can get tricked into drinking drugs by street toughs.

    I also think that Owosso was a town with alot of nice African American people, because I've never seen people just help an orphan in the middle of the road and I also think that because it says "To Our Negro Friends Who Are Passing Through, Kindly Don't Let the Sun Set on Your Rear End in Owosso!!!"
    Mariam D. 1st hour

  27. Why did Lefty Lewis pick up Bud? What can I infur about Owasso,Michigan? All good qustion and I will answer them for you. Well Lefty Lewis picked up Bud because it was 2 in the morning and he probley felt bad that a kid was on the side of the road he dident want that.

    Now waht can I infer about Owasso,Michigan well its kinda creepy I can invison a lot of things going on there. I am shure not going there and when people came by they might not of seen him of dident bother picking him up. See I can see (in my head) a lot of guns and i could almost hear a gun going off i cant belive that the kid dident read about this place.

    Now you know what i think about Owasso,Michigan and why Lefty Lowis
    Hailey S 4th hour

  28. I think lefty lewis picked up bud because he felt that this little kid shouldnt be walking in Owosso all alone at 2:30 in the morning.And he didnt want anything bad to happen to bud.

    I could infer that Owosso is a bad place to live and a bad place to walk alone at 2:30 in the morning.Because they said "to our Negro friends who are passing through, kindly dont let the sun set on your rear end in owosso".And i think thats bad because lefty lewis said he would clean it up so it probably said something bad.

    Nabilah S.

  29. Lefty Lewis picked up bud on the road because owosso could be dangerous and it's 2:30 in the morning.
    I can infer that owosso is a safe place because a man wouldn't usually pick some one up he must have trusted him
    Hamza Al-Habib 4 H0uR

  30. Lefty Lewis picked up Bud because it was 2 in the morning! He didnt want a young child to be alone on the streets by himself so he was nice to pick him up, Bud was only 10 years old what was he doing out that late and he could have been kidnapped or something.

    I can infer that this town Owosso is a racisit town because they used to have a sigh saying "to our negro friends who are oassing through, kindly dont let the sun set on you rear end in Owosso!(pg105)MohammedS.4th hour :)

  31. Lefty Lewis picked up Bud because the town is not a place to be in in the morning, especially for a black person.

    I can infer the town has a lot of white people in it and that means the they were mostly raciest. I can infer that because at the time of the story slavery was probably still occurring.

    Mohammed Abbas
    5Th Hour :)

  32. lefty Lewis picked up Bud because it was dark and he is just a little kid. i can infer that it is a racist town because Lefty Lewis quotes "To our negro friend passing threw kindly don't let the sun set on your rear end in Owosso.(page found on 105).

    Amin T.

  33. Lefty Lewis probably picked up Bud he felt bad for him because it was 2:00 AM and he was in Owosso,Michigan,and most of the people in Owosso are prejudice.

    I can infer that most of the people in Owosso are prejudice. They have a sign up saying on page 105 "To our Negro Friends Who Are Passing Through, Kindly Don't Let the Sun Set on Your Rear End in Owosso!

    Mohamed Ayoub
    5th hour

  34. I think Lefty Lewis pick up bud because it was dark and because it was 2 a clock in the morning. I can infer that Owosso is a not a good place to live in there bacause if it was a safe place to walk in the nigh then no one would pick a peorson walking in the side of the road at night. BY ALEX BEJARANO 5TH HOUR..

  35. lefty lewis picked up bud because it was the middle of the night and lefty didnt want anything to happen to him.

    I can infer that Lefty Lewis cared about Bud, I can also infer that the area was probebly dangerous for blacks because of the sign in owosso.

    hassan hammoud
    5th hour

  36. I think Lefty Lewis picked up bud because it was dark outside and he was walking alone late at night and he most of knew that the boy lived far from where he was walking.Also bud is still a little boy.so lefty lewis didnt want nothing bad to happen to him so he decided to pick him up.

    Something I can infer about Lefty Lewis is that he kinda rasict agianst Bud because theres a sighn owosso that To our negro friends who are passing through, kindlt dont let the sun set on your rear end in Owosso.which is racsit to Bud because its like they didnt want him in Owosso.But then Lefty Lewis is nice and kind because he gave him a ride instead of him walking by himself late at night. And he some food and pop to Bud when he was hungry and thirsty.
    Jessica B. 5th hour

  37. I think Lefty Lewis picked up Bud because Owosso,Michigan sounds like its a bad town in Michigan. I can infer that Owosso is a bad place because theirs animals running around fitting and people shouting out there windows at each other.HUssein Hammoud 5th hour

  38. I think Left Lewis picked up Bud because he seemed hungry,thirsty and he was alone at 2:30 In the morning. One thing i can infer about Owosso, Michigan is that its not good for "Black folks" because most people are racist there. In Owosso They have a sign up the says "To our negro friends who are passing through, kindly don't let the sun set on your rear end in Owosso".

    Mahmoud Nasser
    6th hour

  39. I think Lefty Lewis picked up Bud from the side of the road because it was very late and it was dark. I can infer the owosso is a bad place to live because the people thier are raciest their use to be signs that would say "To are negro friends who are passing through kindly don't let the sun set on your rear end in owosso"

    Aya yamani 6th hour

  40. Lefty Lewis picked Bud up because it was 2 in the morning? Why would there be a young boy outside at that time. I think Owosso,Michigan is a bad place if theres kids out at 2 in the morning carl k 6th hour

  41. Because it was dark and he looked skinny

  42. because he wanted to

  43. Can someone tell me where Lefty Lewis dropped Bud off to Herman E. Halloway? I'm not in this school, but I've found this school page and am doing summer reading. I'm writing an expository essay on Bud's journey.
