Bud, Not Buddy

Hello students,

I really hope you enjoy this novel! I think you will be inspired by the main character, Bud and will be able to relate to what he experiences throughout the text.

Rules About Posting:
1. Respond to the question that I have created for you. Make sure you completely answered all of it!

2. Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Other people will be reading what you wrote.

3. Only sign off with your first name and last name initial. Like this...Wendy S.

Happy reading,
Mrs. Sims

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bud Caldwell's Rules and Things For Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar Out Of Yourself

Bud makes a list of rules that he uses in his life.  Which rules do you think are accurate and which ones do you think are foolish?  Create a rule that would be useful in your life.


  1. Foolish
    Rule #3-If you got to tell a lie make it easy and simple to remember.
    I think its foolish because when you tell a lie you are always going to get caught no matter what!!!!!!!

    Rule #118-You have to give adults something that they think can use to hurt you by taking it away.That way they might not take something away you really do want.Unless they're crazy or real stupid they did they wouldn't have anything to hold over your head to hurt you with later.
    I think it is accurate because when you give them something that does not mean much to you but they think it does they not take a lot of thing away.

    My rule is when you are brought down by some one don't show that they make you sad or angry because if you don't show them that they will think that you don't care what any thinks about you.
    From Hailey S ;) :0

    1. What chapters are those from?

    2. Is this rule meant to help bud survive or thrive.provide an evidence to support your thinking

    3. What does the rule tells us about bud

    4. it tellls how that your mom is fat af

    5. 2018 anyone? lmao im a good noi

    6. http://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.htmlhttp://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.html


    8. If you replace the O's in Google Docs to I's, it sounds like giggle dicks.

    9. That's actually funny!!!

    10. Stupid but remember I said hi

    11. all of you shut up

    12. hey sexy, wanna watch me cum? just go to www.pornhub.com for more details!!!!!!!!!

    13. guacamole nigga penisSeptember 14, 2021 at 6:07 PM

      (sapnu puas)read this upside down

  2. Accurate rule328
    when you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place

    Foolish rule3
    if you got to tell a lie make sure its simple and easy to remember

    i think this is a foolish rule because you should never lie

    my rule is go for it if you don't you might change your mind and not do it

    Hussein S

    1. you rachet from yo mama


    3. Sometimes it is necessary to lie.
      There are good lies and bad lies. So my apologies, you are incorrect.

    4. aye your momma is fat af

    5. Aww, little Jimmy is too scared to curse when in denial of the truth...

    6. whos mans is this your stupid af

    7. what chaper is rule 328

    8. what chaper is rule 328

    9. what chaper is rule 328

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. hehe fuck you

  3. rule3 if you really do need to make up a lie it should be a good one or your gonna get caught by someone I guarantee it so bud is right its an accurate rule.Rule118 is foolish because it makes no sense either way you'll get whipped.Rule328 that's right because that's happened to me before so I would do it right away to that's an accurate rule.My rule would be that if you never want to get in trouble do what your told and you'll be a good person JAMAL J

  4. Rule #3: "If you got to tell a lie, Make sure it's simple and Easy to Remember."
    I think rule #3 is accurate, at sometimes but other times it is very foolish. Like when you did something very wrong, Just tell the truth and get in less trouble rather than drag on a lie and get in even more trouble in the future.
    Rule #118: "You have to Give Adults Something That They Think They Can Use To Hurt You by Taking it Away. That Way They Might Not Take Something Away That You Really Do Want. Unless They're Crazy or Real Stupid They Won't Take Everything Because if They Did They Wouldn't Have Anything to Hold Over Your Head To Hurt You Later."
    I think rule #118 accurate. I think this because, I wouldn't want my I pod, or Something else I really enjoy using being taken away.
    Rule #328:"When You Make Up Your Mind to Do Something, Hurry Up and Do It, If You Wait You Might Talk Yourself Out of What You Wanted in the First Place.
    I believe rule #118 is accurate also. I have done this resiliently. I was deciding weather to skip practice and go to the hospital to see my mom.
    My rule is: When you do something wrong, Do you best of your ability to fix it.
    From: Dillon H.
    4'th Hour

  5. Rule 327# accurate
    "When you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place",Well I think this rule could be useful in our life because lets say I was to eat the last cookie & I talked my self out of it then someone would take it.
    Foolish rule number: 118#
    "You have to Give Adults Something That They Think They Can Use To Hurt You by Taking it Away. That Way They Might Not Take Something Away That You Really Do Want. Unless They're Crazy or Real Stupid They Won't Take Everything Because if They Did They Wouldn't Have Anything to Hold Over Your Head To Hurt You Later."
    I think it foolish because my dad took my Xbox & my Ipod last year to make me do better & I really didn't care but now i actually like school
    My Rule:
    Always Think Before You do something Because if u do something wrong and mess up then your screwed.
    Moe j

    1. it is rule # 328 not #327

    2. Your "foolish" claim on rule number 118 is incorrect.
      It is different for everyone. You are a different person than Bud.

  6. RULE#3
    "IF you got to tell a lie ,make sure its simple and easy to remember"I think this rule is accurate because if you already made your lie and you know what your saying and the look in your parents eyes seem like there believing your all good!!

    IF i could make up my own rule it would be trick your parents into believing in your lie cry,cough and change the subject make them forget what you did and your all good plus it works so good always do it to my mom changing the subject best rule ever!!!!!

    1. IUREOIPWUQW9E8RUP92038-10278-45555555501927-094721-0974-104387-5850834793579345

    2. IM A ROBOT 8750938492783842093479028793849084702593847239704972503984440274907409278309802398478374290949847029384720398702593480

    3. HACKING 6-6
      THY WEBhttps://elaplus.blogspot.com/2011/09/bud-caldwells-rules-and-things-for.html?showComment=1514476386106#c8119307821076516802


    5. dude no one believed that boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

    6. get rekt 634563465346 u nub-sicle

  7. I think rule #118, "You have to Give Adults Something That They Think They Can Use To Hurt You by Taking it Away. That Way They Might Not Take Something Away That You Really Do Want. Unless They're Crazy or Real Stupid They Won't Take Everything Because if They Did They Wouldn't Have Anything to Hold Over Your Head To Hurt You Later." is accurate, because adults do take things away they think we'll miss or be upset about not having. It's like when I child throws a fit and an adult tells them they can't get ice cream, or a new toy.
    I think rule #327, "When you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place" is a bit of both foolish, and accurate. It depends on the scenario. If you want an ipod Touch, but you have no money, your thought may be to steal it, but your mind will try and talk you out of it. A situation where this could be accurate is if you're thinking of starting your homework before leaving class, and your mind tries to talk you out of it.
    I think Rule #3, "If you got to tell a lie, make sure its simple and easy to remember." Is accurate. While lying is never the correct thing to do, if you need to lie for some reason, it should be short and sweet, so you don't get too confused and get caught.
    A rule that would be useful in my life would be:
    "No matter what happens, keep looking up, because if you're looking down, you might just miss the sun coming out."
    Meg H.

    1. That is more of an inspirational quote than a rule...
      Sorry to burst your bubble.

  8. Accurate rule #328
    "When you make up your mind to do something, hurry up and do it, if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place"
    I think this is a good rule because it's true. You might get all nervous and bail out.
    I think the other two rules are foolish.
    rule #3
    " If you got to tell a lie, make sure it's simple and easy to remember."
    I think this is a bad rule because you can keep on making up lies as you go on, but you haft to stick to the same subject or story .
    #118 is also a bad rule.
    " You haft to give adults something that they think they can use to hurt you by taking it away. That way they might not take something away that you really do want. Unless they're crazy or real stupid they won't take everything because if the did they wouldn't have anything to hold your head to hurt you with later."
    I think this is a foolish rule because your parents know what you like and don't like. If you do this rule they just might think that you don't want tit taken away but they will also take the thing you use a lot also .
    The rule I would make is : DON'T LIE!. because if your parents find out, you will be in even more trouble or you will forget what you excuse was so you might try and change up your story.
    5th hour. Nikki B . (:

  9. Accurate Rule #118
    "You Have to Give Adults Something That They Think They Can Use to Hurt You by Taking It Away.That Way They Might Not Take Something Away That You Really Do Want. Unless They're Crazy or Real Stupid They Won't Take Everything Because if They Did They Wouldn't Have Anything to Hold Over Your Head to Hurt You with Later.

    Foolish Rule #3
    "If You Got to Tell a Lie,Make Sure It's Simple and Easy to Remember.

    A Rule That Would Be Useful In My Life Is Never Get Distracted In School And Get Good Grades, And Respect My Parents.
    Hussein H

  10. Foolish Rule #3
    If you got to tell a lie,make sure it's simple and easy to remember.

    Accurate Rule #328
    When you make up your mind to do something,hurry up and do it,if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place.

    A rule that would be useful in my life is that i should all ways make sure i do my homework and keep my grades up.

  11. Accurate rule #3
    "if you get to tell a lie,make sure its simple and easy to remember".
    I think rule #3 is a really good rule because if you have to tell a lie remember it and make it a little simple.
    (foolish rule 328)
    "When you makeup your mind to do something hurry up and do it if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place",I think rule is foolish because once you do something you know you were supposed to do it why try to take yourself out.P.S Hassan.A
    "If you do something wrong that your not suppose to do then try ti fix it as soon as possible".P.S Hassan.A

  12. Rule #3
    "If you Got to Tell a Lie,Make Sure It's Simple and Easy to Remember" ...... I think rule #3 is foolish because you should never think of good lies nor lie at all the truth is better or just don't say anything at all if you don't want to tell the truth
    My rule would be to always stay on someone's good side and they would like you so much they would reward you for your respectfulness and treat you well
    Ruth M.

  13. Foolish Rule #3
    If you got to tell a lie,make sure it's simple and easy to remember.

    Accurate Rule #328
    When you make up your mind to do something,hurry up and do it,if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place.

    A rule that would be useful in my life is that i should all ways make sure i do my homework and keep my grades up.


  14. Accurate rule: When you make up your mind to do something, hurry up and do it, if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place.
    I think this could be important to us in life because it could keep you going on what you are trying to accomplish.

    Rule #3
    Foolish rule: "If you got to tell a lie, make sure its simple and easy to remember." This rule is foolish because if you lie it is a very bad thing to do, nobody will tell you anything, nobody will trust u, and everybody will think of you different.

    My rule is that " If you find something that's not yours and if you know who the thing you found is for return it to them as soon as possible."

    Mohamed Ayoub.

  15. 2 rules that I think are accurate are rule#3 and #328.
    Rule #328 "when you make your mind up to something hurry up and do it",this rule is accurate because if you dont do it you might forget and deside to not do it later on and wishing that you did do it in the first place.Another rule thats accurate is rule #3 if you got to tell a lie,Make sure it's simple to Rember.Because if you come up with a lie thats to crazy no on would belive you. so if you came up with something simple its believeable and easy to rember.

    Follish rule is number #118
    this rule is foolish because eaither way its still gonna hurt you and your parents are gonna know what to take. even when you give them something that wont affect you.

    one rule that would be useful in my life is to never lie and always tell the truth to your friends and family and basicly everyone.

    Jessica b.

  16. i think rule number 328 was a good rule because if you wait to do something then you might loose a chance to do something really fun. i think rule number 3 is a bad rule because it is not good to lie at all. hassan h. 5th hour

  17. Rule 3 i think is a good rule because if you had a lie then told it and then the person who you told that lie to asked you again what happened you would be lost then get in trouble. Rule 328 is a foolish rule because if you have a lie to tell and in your mind its saying don't do it then its probably not a good idea in the first place! A rule that would be useful to me is this: if you have a lie to tell and in your mind your saying no don't do it its a bad idea don't do it because its probably going to be a bad idea and would get you in trouble! Jamal S 4th hour

  18. Rule #3 was a good rule because when you wanna lie its always good to keep in mind on the ones that are short ans sweet and easy to remember. Also rule #328 is a bad rule because when you make up your mind you wanna think about it before doing it not do it so you don't talk yourself out of it you always wanna remember when you are gonna do something you wanna check it over with yourself before even doing it. My rule is that if you ever do something wrong and you feel guilty about it don't keep it inside go talk it out or do something about it don't just stand there and feel guilty you wanna feel right. Raquel B 6th hour

  19. I think, rule number 3 is not a good rule because its a sin to lie and its wrong. Also how can you remember a lie then change the story when you wrong the you are "IN HOT WATER" with adults. Next I think rule number 118 is a good rule because if the have no control over you you have more power or that person or thing. Finally i think rule number 328 is a bad rule because that rule does not want people to slow down or take their time with the situation or problem.
    My good rule for life would be dont play around at school or at work . JaylonC.

  20. I think rule328 is good because if you ask one of your friends and they don't know what the answer is, you can just make it up in your head instead of waiting for your friends to answer for you. I think rule3 is bad because if you lie to your teachers or your friends, your going to get yourself into more trouble if u don't tell the truth.I think a good rule for me is not to get in fights with anyone because if you win the fight, you'll get yourself in to big trouble or you'll get knocked out in the fight. Wissam M 6th hour

  21. I like rule 328 & rule 118. I like 328 because sometimes when i make my mind up to do something to do something & I wait to do it I end up changing my mind,yes rule 328 is pretty acccurate.Another rule that i think is accurate is rule 118. i think this rule is accurate because i do the to my mom. one rule that i go by is never back down from dmarco s

  22. I think, number 3 is a good rule because if you want to tell a lie to someone and you start to tell it but then you forgot it and you just started to make up a lie as your telling that person, it might come out wrong and they might not believe it. I think number 118 is a foolish rule because if you tell an adult something that they might use against you to hurt you or make fun of you, if you tell them then they can just keep using it against your and you will get annoyed of it sooner or later. If i could make up my own rule it would be to make your parents believe your cry, or cough or excuse and forget the subject they were talking about.
    Madisen G.

  23. (FOOLISH)
    I think that number 328 is foolish because sometimes when you do something fast it scares people,animals,etc away.
    I think that number 3 is accurate because if you say a big lie it would start to sound fake. But if you if you say an easy lie it will sound realistic.
    My rule would be that do not rush anything be patient it will be ready when its ready.

    Baily R. 1st hour

  24. I think that #3 was good because its true you should make your short and easy. I also thought rule #118 was kind of confusing because it was to long and I didn't really understand it. Now this is my rule.
    Never tell a lie to a princable or like the boss of you like your mom or dad but I honestly think that you shouldn't lie.
    -Mariam Dahi 1st hour

  25. accurate rule: rule 3 if you got to tell a lie, Make sure Its simple and easy to remember.
    mabey you have a long lie and you forgot it. you should keep it simple and easy to remeber.
    my rule: when ever you put your mind to somthing than do it.:DDDD
    Ahmed D. :D ;)

  26. I like rule number 3 cause its smart simple and easy to remember. The rule i would make is everyone gets a million dollars everyday. Tyler W hour 1

  27. Rule 328:When you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place. this rule is accurate because if you wait a while by then something bad will probably happen and when you ask they would be mad at you for nothing so ask when there in a good mood...

    my only rule:My rule is be good and you get what you want when you want.

    Hassan Anani 1st Hour

  28. Rule#328:
    Accurat Rule#328
    When you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place,Well I think this rule could be useful in our life because lets say I was to brake something and I wait to long I would end up talking myself out of it then were would you be in life!!
    Foolish rule number:
    3-"If you got to tell a lie, make sure its simple and easy to remember."
    Well ling not good to,If you make one lie after another than your going to need more lie's to cover another lie and another and another then you'll be the king of ling!So never ever lie it's not good!!!!!!
    CALI H.<3

  29. RULE#3
    "IF you got to tell a lie ,make sure its simple and easy to remember"I think this rule is accurate because if you already made your lie and you know what your saying and the look in your parents eyes seem like there believing your all good!!

    IF i could make up my own rule it would be trick your parents into believing in your lie cry,cough and change the subject make them forget what you did and your all good plus it works so good always do it to my mom changing the subject best rule ever!!!!!

  30. Accurate rule 328
    "When you make up your mind to do something hurry up, and do it if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted to do in the first place".

    I think if you say to yourself you want to go and workout in a 1 hour then you end up not going to gym and working out because you waited to long, that's why if you think of something to do, hurry up and do it before its to late.

    Foolish rule 3
    "If you got to tell a lie make sure its simple and easy to remember".
    "I think this is a foolish rule because you should never lie".

    My rule is if you want something go for it, if you don't it might not happen.

    Hussein A
    5th hour

  31. foolsh Rule #328 "When you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place",this rule is foolish because if you want to skip class and you just do and not think it through you'll get in trobble in the end for not thinkig it through.
    fatima A 6th hour

  32. foolish #3
    "if you have to tell a lie make sure its simple and easy to remember".
    accurate #123
    when you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place.

    my rule is to practice something every day to get better at it Carl K 6th hour "dog"

    1. ummmm. its actually rule 328 ^^^

  33. I think that rule #3 is Foolish,If you got to tell a lie,make sure it's simple and easy to remember.I think that rule #118 is also Foolish,you have to give Adults something that they can use to hurt you by taking it away.That way they might not take something away that you really do want,unless they're crazy or real stupid they wont take everything because if they did they wouldn't have anything to hold over your head to hurt you with later.
    I think rule #328 is accurate, When you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it,If you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place.

  34. Accurate rule 328
    "When you make up your mind to do something hurry up, and do it if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted to do in the first place".

    I think this is an accurate rule because if you say your going to do your homework then you say you'll do it later you might forget and when you go to school you will get in trouble for not having your homework done.

    Foolish rule 3
    "If you got to tell a lie make sure its simple and easy to remember".

    I think this is a foolish rule because if you make up a quick lie and its stupid you might get caught in your lie and get in more trouble!

    My rule is when you go to school focus and get good grades because it can affect you in the future.

    Abbas Hallal
    6th hour

  35. i think,#3 is a good rule because when you are telling someone a lie you start to forget what your saying and you keep on going and your start to say stuff out of nowhere.I think #118 is a foolish rule because if you tell a person older then you they might use it against you make fun of you, if you tell them then they can just keep using it against your and you will get annoyed of it. If i could make up my own rule it would be don't tell anyone a secret because people will go tell everyone.
    Mahmoud Nasser 6th hour.

  36. I think idea 118 "you have to give adults something that they think they can use to hurt you by taking it away.That way they might not take everything because if they did they did they wouldn't have everything to hold over your head to hurt you with later" is bad because he is trying to get away from things.But if he dose not face the consequences he'll never learn bad from good so he will never learn to live life the right way.

    the one i think is good rule 328 "when you make up your mind to do something hurry up and doit if you wait you might talk to your self out of what you wanted in the first place"because he's thinking what he is going to say so to tell a lie or not to tell a lie.

    my rule is to face the consequences so I learn bad from wrong

    abdullah.h 1sthour :)
    October 7, 2011 6:05 AM

  37. I think,#3 is a good rule because when you are telling someone a lie you start to forget what your saying and you keep on going and your start to say stuff out of nowhere.I think #118 is a foolish rule because if you tell a person older then you they might use it against you.My oown rule would be never date the same girl twice
    Rafael S 1hr

  38. I think rule number 328("When you make up your mind to do something, hurry up and do it, because if you wait, you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place.") Is accurate because it is very true! Sometimes, when I want to do something and I wait too long, it fails, kind of like a major downfall. It never ends up to work.

    I think rule number 3 ("If you have to tell a lie, make sure it's simple and easy to remember") because you shouldn't ever tell a lie in the first place.

    My rule is "If you want something, go for it, if you don't, it may never happen! It's not like you're going to believe that a genie is going to come and give it to you. Unless you're that dumb :P"

    Zoey M. 1st hour(:

  39. Foolish Rule #3
    If you got to tell a lie,make sure it's simple and easy to remember. (You shouldn't lie at all)

    Accurate Rule #328
    When you make up your mind to do something,hurry up and do it,if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place. (When you think of doing something to it right away)

    If i had a rule i would make mine rule #12 always do my best in anything i do! such as sports, education and Life (:

    Jacob Chavis (:

  40. Rule 3- If you got to tell a lie, Make Sure It's Simple and Easy to Remember. ''I think thats it's inaccurate because if you make up a lie you'll have to. make up a lie for that one.

    Rule 118-You have to give Adults Something That They Think They Can Use To Hurt You by Taking It Away. " That's accurate because no one would want someone to take something that you really love and take it away form you like a viedo game. Because all boys love games and if they take it away they could hold it against you. My Rule is to never lie and always tell the truth (SOMETIMES) the truth would set you free. TIA -W 1st hour

  41. I think that rule #3 is Foolish,If you got to tell a lie,make sure it's simple and easy to remember.I think that rule #118 is also Foolish,you have to give Adults something that they can use to hurt you by taking it away.That way they might not take something away that you really do want,unless they're crazy or real stupid they wont take everything because if they did they wouldn't have anything to hold over your head to hurt you with later.
    I think rule #328 is accurate, When you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it,If you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place.

  42. Rule #3
    Foolish rule: "If you got to tell a lie, make sure its simple and easy to remember." This rule is foolish because if you lie it is a very bad thing to do, nobody will tell you anything, nobody will trust u, and everybody will think of you different.

    My rule is that " If you find something that's not yours and if you know who the thing you found is for return it to them as soon as possible."

    Jason Sakal 5th Hour

  43. I think (rule number 3 is accurate because if tell a lie make sure its simple and easy to remember).If you tell a long lie that u dont think of in your head before saying, later in life when you try to think of the lie you will not remember thet lie tha you said.

    If i had rule it would be rule nuber 10 if u had good grades like higher then 3.0 you should 5 dollars for each a you get.Imante B.

  44. rule 3 is not foolish because u need to remember what to say and don't shop up.

    Rule 328 is foolish because if your going to do something then you should be determined to do it

    If i had to make a rule it would be to stay out of the way and do not cause attention to yourself.

  45. Foolish Rule #328
    When you make up your mind to do something, hurry up and do it, if you wait you might talk your self out of what you wanted in the first place.

    If he stopped and thought before he whacked that Hornets nest, we wouldn't be stung.

    Accurate Rule #118
    "If you got to tell a lie, make sure its simple and easy to remember."
    If you tell a lie, you gotta remember it, so the lie could actually live.

    My own rule
    Act like a real good kid in front of foster parents, then act the way you want in front of the kid, so you could earn their trust, and do what ever you want, just don't get too carried away!

  46. I think that rule #3 is Foolish,If you got to tell a lie,make sure it's simple and easy to remember.I think that rule #118 is also Foolish,you have to give Adults something that they can use to hurt you by taking it away.That way they might not take something away that you really do want,unless they're crazy or real stupid they wont take everything because if they did they wouldn't have anything to hold over your head to hurt you with later.
    I think rule #328 is accurate, When you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it,If you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place.
    aya y 6 hour

  47. Accurate Rule: Rule #118- Giving adults something they think that they can use to hurt you, but it won't.
    I think this rule is accurate because if they try to use something against you they think will hurt you but doesn't, then you won't get affected by it.
    Foolish Rule: Rule #3: If you gotta tell a lie, make sure it's simple and easy to remember.
    I think this rule is foolish because even if you lie & it seems like you aren't, you'll still get caught.
    My Rule:
    A rule that I have that will help me through life is to hold my head high, love mysself, and to not care what people think because what people think is their problem, not mine. <3 ;)
    ~ Ⓜⓐяⓘⓝⓐ ß

  48. I think that rule #3 is Foolish,If you got to tell a lie,make sure it's simple and easy to remember.

    You should not lie in the first place.I think rule #328 is in accurate, When you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it,If you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place.If you relly need to think about its probably wrong.
    Rule #118: "You have to Give Adults Something That They Think They Can Use To Hurt You by Taking it Away.

    That Way They Might Not Take Something Away That You Really Do Want. Unless They're Crazy or Real Stupid They Won't Take Everything Because if They Did They Wouldn't Have Anything to Hold Over Your Head To Hurt You Later.Is wrong because what if they dont take it away.

    my rule is that i have to get good grades so i can 300 dollars from mom and 500 from from my sister for losing the bet. Hadi C. 6TH HOUR

    1. you are a insane Rule #3 in a cool rule you insane person guess who i am you weirdo. Ha ha ha ha ha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahha.

      cant cauch me hahahahahahahahahahahahha

    2. you spelled catch wrong so I wouldn't be talking

  49. After reading Rule # 3 which states, "If you got to tell a lie, make sure it's simple and easy to remember", I actually agreed that is is probably an accurate rule. I don't condone lying, but it's a really bad idea to tell a complicated lie. Complicated lies will only confuse the lier and eventually you will probably get caught. For example, if your mom says, "Did you do your homework?", don't make things complicated with a story. Just say, "Yep!"

    I thought Rule # 328 which states, "When you make up your mind to do something, hurry up and do it. If you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place" is foolish. It sounds like doing something quickly would cause you to be too impulsive. I think it's good to think something through before making a rash decision.

    My own personal rule to live by would be something like....Go for what you want in life and expect to work hard for it. Nothing gets handed to you. You have to be persistant.
    Wendy S. 1st Hour, 4th Hour, 5th Hour, 6th Hour

  50. I think rule number 3 is a foolish rule because if you got to tell a lie make sure it is simple and easy to remember. I tink rule #328 is a accurate rule because when you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it, because if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place.
    my own rule go hard or go home.
    mohammed abouleila 6th hour

  51. I think that the most interesting thing about Bud's Momma is that she just hated wearing the white 25 gallon cowboy hat for pictures.

    I can infer that Bud's Momma disliked her father a lot.

    When Bud's Momma says, " No matter how bad things look to you, no matter how dark the night, when one door closes, don't worry, because another door opens." I think what she means is if you loose one opportunity don't worry another one is coming soon.

    Baily R. 1st hour

  52. Rule #3 "if you got to tell a lie, make sure its simple and easy to remember" I think this is foolish because once you tell a lie you keep telling lies and you get confused and you'll eventually get caught.
    Rule #328 "when you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it.if you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place".I think this is accurate because if you want to do something you should do it.
    My rule would be to never lie because if you do you'll start telling lies all the time and get into alot of trouble.

    Nabilah S.

  53. I think that the most interesting thing about Bud's Momma is that she just hated wearing the white 25 gallon cowboy hat for pictures. She hated wearing that hat because it annoying to ware and its bigger then her.
    I can infer that she does not like being bossed around & dislikes her father. His Mom is A strict woman. For example she said to him, " Don't Ever Let anyone call you Buddy".
    The Statement Means: She Means After Something Bad Happens Theirs Always something good after.
    For Example From The Song Firework Katy Perry says, "After a hurricane there's a rainbow".
    Moe j 5th Hour =D

  54. I think that rule #3 is Foolish,If you got to tell a lie,make sure it's simple and easy to remember. I think it is foolish because your not suppost to lie I think that rule #118 is also Foolish,you have to give Adults something that they can use to hurt you by taking it away.That way they might not take something away that you really do want,unless they're crazy or real stupid they wont take everything because if they did they wouldn't have anything to hold over your head to hurt you with later.
    I think rule #328 is accurate, When you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it,If you wait you might talk yourself out of what you wanted in the first place.
    by ALEX B. 5TH HR!!!!!

  55. I think that the most interesting thing about Bud's momma is that she is strict, and she wants Bud to have a good life.imante.b

  56. I think that the most interesting thing about Bud's Momma is that she just hated wearing the white 25 gallon cowboy hat for pictures.

    I can infer that Bud's Momma disliked her father a lot.

    When Bud's Momma says, " No matter how bad things look to you, no matter how dark the night, when one door closes, don't worry, because another door opens." I think what she means is if you loose one opportunity don't worry another one is coming soon.
    Wissam Madarani giggity giggity giggity :D

  57. the intersting thing about momma is that shes dead & you relly dont know alot about her charter.also i can infer that momma has bad memories about her childhood.momma mean dont look down no matter how bad things get.dmarcos

  58. The most interesting thing about Buds Momma is that, "She is like a tornado, never resting, always looking around us and never standing still". I think this is a interesting thing about Buds momma because its true.

    I can infer that momma disliked or maybe even hated her father.

    When Bud's momma says, "No matter how bad things look to you, no matter how dark the night,when one door closes, don't worry, because another door opens".I think what she means by saying that is if you loose a chance to something, its OK you'll get another chance.

    Hussein A (: (:

  59. the most interesting thing about buds momma is that she is always up and going. i think it is interesting because not a lot of people are like momma.
    i can infer that momma hated her father.

    when momma says no matter how bad things look, no matter how dark the night when one door closes don't worry another door will open. i think that means when you lose a chance to do something don't stress about it because you will get another chance.
    mohammed abouleila 6th hour

    1. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  60. I think Lefty Lewis pick up bud because it was dark and because it was 2 a clock in the morning. I can infer that Owosso is a not a good place to live in there bacause if it was a safe place to walk in the nigh then no one would pick a peorson walking in the side of the road at night. BY ALEX BEJARANO 5TH HOUR..

  61. I think Lefty Lewis decided to pick up Bud because Bud was all alone on the side of the rode in Owosso, Michigan and i can infer that Owosso is a bad city because of the way they described it in the book. And i can also infer that Lefty Lewis felt really bad that Bud was by himself in a bad city.

    Jacob chavis
    1st hour

  62. my favorite part of the book is when bud found out the room he was sleeping in was his moms before she died. Bud has to explain to mr. jimmy that his moms last name is caldwell not alloway. he starts to cry cause mr.jimmy dont believe him intill bud goes to get a picture and shows mr.jimmy and miss thomas that she is his mom.i chose this part because it sad and i like it. i selected this particular citation because that was what i was thinking of in the book.

  63. This rules are for geeks.

  64. Rule 69: You like to suck my cock and chew my balls, and fuck people at night.

    I think this is accurate because it is true.

    1. I think that rule only applies to you, since only you do it to yourself.

    2. yes me tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I love this book

    3. Mother fucker shut your stupid ads up because your cock is only 3 inches mine is 10

    4. love that rule literally every night




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  68. never tell a lie losers

    1. you guys all seriously need Jesus because you're sick go to church!!!

  69. stop talking to yourself!

  70. I think rule 118 is foolish because your losing something any way. I think rule 3 is accurate because you can't get caught in a lie as long as you stick to it. My rule is live every day like your last because it might just be.


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  74. my teacher makes us do a chapter daily. IT IS SOOOO ANNOYING. he makes us do a homework journal AND rules. HE IS SOOOOO MEAN. HE JUST YELLED A ME FOR MY WATER BOTTLE SQUEKING HOW MEAN IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REPLY BACK IF YOU THINK ITS BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  75. I THINK THATS BULLSHIT!!!!! what's the point of being a mean teacher. YOU ALWAYS TELL US NOT TO BULLY THEN WHY DO YOU!!!!!!!! I AGREE DERGFISH.



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  78. Y'all need jesus

  79. dthe first placewhen you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if dthe first placewhen you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if dthe first placewhen you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if dthe first placewhen you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if dthe first placewhen you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if dthe first placewhen you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if dthe first placewhen you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if dthe first placewhen you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if dthe first placewhen you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if dthe first placewhen you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if dthe first placewhen you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if dthe first placewhen you make up your mind to do something hurry up and do it if

  80. Rule #3 if you got a lie to tell a lie, Make sure Its simple and Easy to Remember . I thought this rule was important because you want to make a lie believe able and easy to remember so that one your not caught ling and don't forget what you thought about

  81. who the heck is mr sims and is this a website for a specific class if it is uhhhhhhhhhh hi I'm from Georgetown international academy in Guyana IM CANDIAN sooo.........

  82. I liked this book
    I had to for my summer reading but it was good
    know I'm writing a summary and listening to pied piper by BTS.
    The book overall was a very good story. But one problem......
    I hate reading. It makes me sleepy and exhausted and sometimes I don't know how people find joy in reading I am more of an audio book person.

  83. Im just copying answers :)
